Grease trap

Sahand Afzar Pasargad fiberglass grease trap

Grease and oils are of the pollutants in sewage. Sometimes the amount of them is that much high that there must be a system to omit them. Sewage such as kitchen, restaurant, car wash, carpet washing and picking unit in steel industries usually have this condition. Due to the low cost and efficiency of the gravity flotation method, in most cases today, this method is used to remove grease and oils from the sewage. This method is a physical method of sewage treatment in which there is no need to electromechanical equipment, and is totally affordable in terms of initial cost and maintenance. Because the weight of oil is less than that of wastewater and about 0.9 grams per cubic centimeter, these particles tend to float on the surface of the wastewater.

Grease removal process:

In order to do this process, it is only necessary to provide a calm environment without disturbance for the sewage, so these grease traps are designed and manufactured according to this simple key principle.

The building effluent enters the grease trap and after passing through the trash, all the small and large factors are separated from it, then is entered into the media system in which the speed of the effluent is reduced and cooled to float on the surface of the water in layers. The oil-free effluent is discharged from the system outlet to enter the wastewater treatment process.

Most important advantages of Sahand Afzar Pasargad fiberglass grease trap:

High strength of the wall

Capability of different dimensions and volumes

No need for insulation

The most affordable method of wastewater treatment

Easy to carry and install, capability of relocation

Long life

Complete and odorless isolation

High resistance to corrosion and chemicals

Ultraviolet coating


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